Submit Your Guest Post to Fitnesshifi in Hindi or English

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To submit your guest post to Fitnesshifi, ensure that your article conforms to our guidelines.

We accept free guest posts and We cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Health
  • Wellness
  • Diet and Nutrition
  • Fitness
  • Ayurveda
  • Vitamins and Supplements
  • Health & Fitness gadgets reviews and comparison
  • Lifestyle
  • Beauty health


Please ensure that your article conforms to the following guidelines:

  • 1,500 to 3,000 words long
  • Unique content (not published elsewhere)
  • Written language must be standard Hindi / English
  • Poorly written article will not be published
  • Only one backlink will be provided
  • Use H2 to H4 Headings
  • Informative article and not self-promotional
  • Spammy and poorly written articles will not be accepted.

Please have a look around our site to make sure that your topic has not been covered.

Once you feel your article conforms to our guidelines, please feel free to email it in a Word or PDF document file to our senior editor at

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